
By neilnewson

22"33' (seasons end)

And so the seasons change.

Had to stop by for a swim at Guildford Lido tonight as it closes this weekend for winter. Beautiful evening though - clear blue skies and a little warmth in the air again after the early weeks coolness and the sun shining very low on the water making it difficult to look towards the entrance. Love it when water is like that.

The (boring) Swimming Stuff
Ever since I bought the 'swim watch' (actually a £5 Argos time digital- but waterproof) have been trying to increase my 1k swim time but to little avail. I get was getting the feeling the after a long day at work then I just don't have the physical resource to push another physical boundary as my timings have been mostly between 23'30" and 24'11" pretty much consistently in the last weeks. Managed a 23'11" swim a few swims back by really pushing hard and flailing - forget style, just splash! - and thought that would be it for my efforts towards a 20' swim time until next year so the last few swims have focused on technique - something I am really not good at - reach, breathing deeply, pull, arm entry and most importantly, kick - my definite weak point. Was very pleased to come in at 23'30" last time after what I was approaching as a leisurely 'fun' swim to enjoy a rare warm spot (18degrees suddenly that afternoon and a rain break ). Today was feeling very strong in water - arms good despite a very hectic and long day - and just enjoyed the movement in water and the sun and felt that finally I was on the improve. Came in approx 40secs faster than my usual times (*see title) . Stands me in good stead for hitting 20' before Thames swim next year otherwise I may not be too worried. Hit that target and its a different matter.

The Lido closes this weekend until next May. Next week I'll be ok but by the week after I'll be missing my swims something chronic. Will swim a little over the winter (probably Hampton Lido - a little small and too hot - 26c) but at least will keep my hand in.

Unfortunately I dint think we'll get another summer as good as this year for quite some time. See you next year Lido.

Changing of the seasons.

Oh, would love to take a photo of the pool and was tempted to ask permission to take an SLR shot of the water once everyone was out as (quite rightly) no photos allowed inside the Lido. Instead went for a cubicle shot of 'the equipment'. Luckily swimming isn't equipment intensive ;)

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