
By neilnewson


Don't very often get to do a good portrait shot - not through lack of subject matter but in terms of pure skills it's not my strong point.

Luckily to help on that front we had family over at the weekend - Mark (my brother), Rachel and (baby but rapidly growing) Louis. Could have had any number of photo's of Louis and/or Milo as loads of great shots but went for this from Pizza Express as its a half decent portrait by my standards. And I love Mark's expression.

Have been messing around with ISO speeds as was getting fed up with SLR not coping in low light, then remembered that I'd set ISO to 50 to get some long exposure times in dark and never changed it back! Ramped everything up to 1600 and focal stop ranges became useful again! Pizza express was lit like a film set and gave some great light to work with.

Am trying to persuade my brother to join Blipfoto as he has a far better eye for these things than me. Hope he doesn't mind the use of the portrait ;)

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