
By RunAndrewRun

And wash the dusk with silver

Running rest-day ...

... and given that National Poetry Day is fast approaching (Thursday 3rd October), I thought I'd try and reflect on my selections from previous years (going back to 2009), over the coming days.

It will hopefully help me to start thinking about my selection for the 3rd October - the theme this year, being Water.

This blipfoto diary will, after all, only last across one National Poetry Day!

So - here's the poem I chose last year (2012) by Williamm Blake (pictured) - Blake is calling on the 'Goddess of Love' to protect him during the dark of the night, and inspire all that is oppressed during daytime.

I do still find it incredible to think that this poem is well over 200-years old, yet it speaks to me as if it was written just yesterday:


Thou fair-hair'd angel of the evening,
Now, while the sun rests on the mountains, light
Thy bright torch of love; thy radiant crown
Put on, and smile upon our evening bed!

Smile on our loves; and, while thou drawest the
Blue curtains of the sky, scatter thy silver dew
On every flower that shuts its sweet eyes
In timely sleep. Let thy west wind sleep on

The lake; speak silence with thy glimmering eyes,
And wash the dusk with silver. Soon, full soon,
Dost thou withdraw; then the wolf rages wide,
And the lion glares thro' the dun forest:

The fleeces of our flocks are cover'd with
Thy sacred dew: protect them with thine influence.


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