Delivery Bike
I have been spending a lot of time since our return riding my bicycle. Most of the impetus to get back in the saddle has to do with excess weight gain while visiting the United States, but I also enjoy the freedom to see more of the town than is possible by walking. This has been especially interesting as Zihua continues to recover from Tropical Storm Manuel, which is occurring at a rapid rate. This renewed connection to my bicycle has also opened my eyes to the many delivery bikes used throughout the market. These tubular-steel, three-wheeled, single-speed monsters (example shown here) are used whenever an order of produce has to be delivered. That order can be a couple of items or enough to stock a busy restaurant for a week, it all fits into the basket at the front, while the poor rider humps the pedals in the rear. I have even seen them ride fully loaded over the La Ropa Hill, which I have to drop into low, low to conquer. I think I could ride for months, if not years, and still be unable to keep up.
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