Chris and a Camera

By Goldeneyes

Go Wiggo

Eagle-eyed cycling fans will notice that the bicycle in this picture has the slanted crossbar of the ladies' bike - and that the legs in front belong to a male (me, in fact).

Since my bike popped its pneumatic clogs I've been reduced to using the other half's wheels for my occasional bouts of exercise. This isn't normally an issue - other than the sight of a 6'4" bloke bent over a too-small ladies' Trek - but then when I set out this afternoon I'd forgotten what else was going on in my neck of the woods.

Piling through Chobham at, ooh, seven miles an hour or so late this pm, I became aware of a lot of red, white and blue balloons tied to street furniture...and quickly the sight of some tipsy people carrying GO WIGGO signs and imploring me to go even faster up the hill (pretty hard given my thighs are more Chris Evans than Chris Hoy). This was funny at first but just it embarrassing as time went on...luckily a sharp turn up Chobham Common got me away from the braying mob.

Don't know how Cavendish et al put up with it.

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