Flat Cat

This is the other cat. The one that lost a chunk of fur to Evil Cat yesterday. He was flat out in his favourite seat - or rather the gap between two of the seats on the sofa. This is where he was ejected from yesterday.

Busy day eventually, but it began with an epic lie in. Monday to Friday I am up early and usually in bed late by virtue of the fact that there is so much to do for work. Although the work continues at the weekend, I don't have to drive to school and be beholden to bells and a timetable. So I sleep in.

To be fair, I am still getting tired quite easily so I figure that it is probably sensible to sleep if I feel like I need it.

Once I arose from the pit, I have done some work related things, lots of laundry, a session at the gym, the shopping and some more work stuff.

Time to put the laundry away and then have a nice soak in the bath.

Sleep tight :-)

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