FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

30,000 people marched through Edinburgh today in support of independance for Scotland. Starting on High Street, they wound down North Bridge, Waterloo Place, and rallied on Calton Hill. I saw a big delegation from Catalonia, and representations from Venice (?) and Sardinia (?). It seems everyone wants independance from someone!

MOH and I were meeting #1 and #2 sons on High Street. Numerous phone calls where we really couldn't hear each other because of the volume of noise took us to the statue of Adam Smith at St Giles Cathedral. I'm shouting into my phone 'I'm at the statue' and #2 was doing the same. 'Are you outside Costa Coffee?' 'No across the road' 'Well so am I. Where are you?' I turned to to look around me and #2 was literally two feet from me shouting into his phone. We did have a laugh about it!

I didn't get to see the tapestries in Hollyrood due to a long queue but I believe they are to tour the country so I hope to catch them then. A very busy but enjoyable day culminating in a wonderful Italian meal.

I know I've moaned about Edinburgh transport before but they really are the pits. Lothian buses have a timetable that nobody seems to understand and staff with little or no conception of what good customer service entails. I think I may be the only person eagerly awaiting the new tram network.

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