Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Katherine's Plot

On a course all this week on data bases, not bad first day.

Went to the allotment tonight and the light was fantastic on the swaying sunflowers.

This is Katherine's plot, we share the same surname and she is intrested in my family tree will be doing my father's side this winter, so who knows we may have distant relations.

Another concidence is that she went to Corstorphine Primary, where my mum went when she was in the children's home. In fact she passed on a school photo in which my mum recognised some of the home girls in Katherine's class. Trying to get them to meet up and exchange stories.

My mum has met a couple of the older Gorgie allotmenteers and exchanged stories about the bookie's runner in the street. I am amazed that they remembered the nickname used to put the bets on. We also discussed the lady who used to pay the coalmen by opening the door naked, she was in our tenement and I can remember her when I was growing up.

Writing this I have the image of the old lady across the landing keeping her brollies and walking sticks in an elephant foot, changed days.

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