Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Fishing 0 Brambling 4

Mrs B and I decided to make the most of the fine weather this afternoon (warm and dry with a glimpse of the sun) and went out in the boat to do some sailing and maybe a bit of fishing.

The decreasing wind and choppy water quickly put paid to the idea of sailing so we settled instead for some fishing. The hope was to get loads of mackerel and fill up the freezer for the winter. They are usually at their best just now but we never caught a single one. There have been a few days like that during the summer and there definitely aren't nearly as many about this year. Having read an article in the Sunday papers about the ongoing mackerel wars with Iceland and the Faroe Islands, I wouldn't be surprised if, like the herring, they disappear from our shores altogether. Quite sad really.

The fishing/sailing trip was cut short and we returned home for a cup of tea before heading up to Rhonadale to collect some brambles for the freezer (well there is plenty of room without any fish!!). Great crop this year and just over an hours work produced almost 4 kilos of these lovely little berries. As well as the freezer, some will be made into jelly while a few of the sweetest will be selected for an apple and bramble pie that MrsB is making for dinner. Mmmmm, I think I can smell it cooking. Must go!

PS - No colour saturation of my fingers, just the staining from the brambles!

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