A MIMent In Time

By justmim

The cream on top

It is always a delight to spend time with friends, however brief that time may be.

Well my bag is packed and my clothes are all laid out, in a little over 12 hours time I shall be leaving the flat to travel to that familiar place to begin a whole new journey.


Excited, nervous, ready as I'll ever be. Trusting. Thankful for what has been a truly lovely weekend.

This morning at church a lady who I had met just yesterday introduced me to someone who has just moved to Edinburgh to begin graduate studies & had come to our church for the first time this morning. Just wonderful how it all worked out :)

Student lunch was brilliant-great to see both new & familiar faces. Then having a friend to walk home with just topped it all off. I love my church family :)

Absolutely wonderful to have a catch up with Ruth & Peter at the end of the afternoon; laughs and encouragements. Left with a smile firmly planted on my face.

Well, I'm off to drink a teapot of chamomile & lavender tea, light some candles, phone home and spend some time reading the Word. Those night before the first day of school nerves are starting to kick in!

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