This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today... hmm what happened.

Well, last night I took a whole muscle relaxer and fell into a strange sleep of weird dreams but my shoulder was much better. From now on Megan, just take the drugs....

My brother Ben and I went to the Farmer's Market again for food stuffs and lunch at the cafeteria (good food) and to the Kroger, another grocery store for our weekly shopping. It rained some. My niece Emily came over for a visit. I made a tofu scramble for breakfast and then later Ben made his first vegan coffee cake. His friend, who is a nurse dropped by to lend me this device. It elongates your neck, allowing for traction... it feels pretty good I must say and is supposed to help let the muscles relax.

My neck/shoulder/back is feeling better today after taking 2 of the muscle relaxers yesterday and lots of Ibuprofen.

Later, I made a tofu stir fry for dinner and we watched Broadchurch on a great big HD TV... Whoa.

Of course through out all of this are little chats and check ins with Stewart. Which makes the day brighter. :)

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