Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Pacific NorthWet...

Yes it's back. We had a right stormy day today. Lots of gusty wind, lots of rain with some power outages and accidents that go along with that, sometimes. We didn't have any of that here, thankfully. So, a bit of a drippy image to capture the drippy day and if I didn't finally make up my mind, I would be messing with this until midnight.

Now then....thank you all so very much for joining me on my millennium party. That was great fun and it was almost better than my birthday!! I should have served cake or at the very least wine or beer, maybe even a fancy mixed drink with an umbrella. Thank you so much for all your kind words and the showering of stars and a few hearts. It put me in a very good mood for the day and it even made the Spotlight page!

So, back the the Emmy Award's although I don't know why I bother as most of the people who win are on HBO or some other station that I don't get.

Take care everyone and thank you again.

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