Journey Through Time

By Sue

Toad Lily

I had never seen nor ever heard of a Toad Lily before I found one at the Botanical Wildlife Garden a few years ago when I finally learned of the existence of the Wildlife Garden. One thing leads to another. I am fascinated by these little flowers and they bloom in late summer which is nice when other things are near the end of their bloom time. I've blipped this before, but this flower is always worth repeating, I think. I am going to add this: I noticed that the honey bees have really slowed down. Several looked like they were dying and I said to them, Good Job! They work so hard, dedicated little bees that they are.

I am at my computer and can see outside to one of our fountains, and the birds are thirsty, my friends. Jays, robins and finches are duking it out for a turn at the water fountain. There was a spat of rain when I was at the garden, and honestly, I first heard, splat, splat, splat and didn't know what it was. Oh! Rain! It's been 60 days or so since we've had any. It is desperately needed but I am so glad it didn't decide to give us a major downpour when we were on our beach trip.

Hope all is well.

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