Spirit Island Maligne Lake
Tiny Tussock reporting
Lots of excitement today as the little red car (Actually a Chev Traverse) got loaded up with gear for adventure.
The Boss was ecstatic as it had heated seats which she lusts over.
The Boss was disappointed that the rental version didn't have Blue Tooth for music from our iPhones.
Diana was disappointed because the GPS thingie was not as slick as the one she had in her car.
I got to ride in the "Jump Seat" and was not disappointed about anything.
It was almost a false start, just like Team New Zealand, as the team, including me on The Boss's camera pak headed into the popular coffee joint to find it was hosting a Canada wide convention and the "line" went almost out the door. So we found a better place called "The Other Paw" which suited ME a lot better and also made wonderful Hot Chocolate and had a really interesting "bathroom" with two amazing features.
It had wonderful quotes written all over the walls and….
It had a motion sensor (Grrreat word there) which plunged it into jet black darkness if you were taking to long.
Diana had neglected to tell The Boss about the second feature so it was arm waving all round to restore normal transmission. I am pleased to report that I was NOT PRESENT for the above experience having stayed out in the Cafe area with the rest of the team. Quite pleased about that.
The major adventure was Maligne Lake and this is indeed a must see in this area. We were worried about the weather as it was cloudy and threatening to rain but everything cleared nicely to allow the image above and a fine photographic time was enjoyed by all.
WOOF..And and a big thank you for your support of yesterdays Flare shot. Wifi is hopeless in this motel….It does not work at all, so comments will be held over for a later time when we have proper access.
Take a deep breath
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