Black Peak
Mono Monday I guess but probably more of a coincidence as The Boss gazed at the stunning blue sky and fantasised about turning it black. The weather was supposed to be biadolicle today with Father Christmas arriving later in the day but our micro climate paid off again and the sun shone while The Bossess in Christchurch was sitting in a meeting when the building project next door disassembled against the wall of their building during Gale Force winds.
Oh and in keeping with the political climate (windless) I am resigning as leader of the Curls Party following it’s failure to even attempt to get the fridge door open. This approach seems to be very popular so it’s the least I should do.
Thanks to those that supported but basically you were a useless lot…OH…I can’t say THAT?
Ok…Well you all worked very hard and I kno we will win next time….Is that OK?
WOOF! The original. Accept no substitutes.
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