And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Garden blip

Hey guys and dolls hope your all well, Im pretty good :) had a short walk with Ash this morn he is really feeling the heat and panting like a gud un.... poor thing. I did some jobs and then dad came.

Im just getting ready to take Doreen are neighbor to the hospital then were going to go to irton garden centre and Morrison so she can get some shopping.
She is 89 and doing well on it she no longer drives and its driving her mad she used to be out every day of the week and now she feels very isolated :( I do feel for her.

There has been a few cases of rat poisoning in Scarborough and sadly a few dogs have died! who would do such a thing... gets me so mad.......

must dash, enjoy this lovely weather if you have it.

love c x x x

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