
By Tryfan46

New sheds going up at the allotment

Well, the new sheds did arrive last Friday afternoon so the place is in turmoil as old sheds are emptied and the accumulated detritus of several years of gardening are turfed out into a big pile or strewn around the site.

Several people have already found the time clear their site, level it, lay slabs and assemble their shed. For us it will take a little longer as we want to have our shed on a different part if the site. This is fine as some sheds will have to go where we want to be as there is not enough space for all the sheds in the one location.

However, where we want to put our shed is presently under several feet of garden rubbish, part digested compost, dumped rubbish and the contents of the village pond which the Parish Council decided to dump on an unused part of our site on the grounds that the silt would be good stuff and it would cheaper than getting it carted away.

Earlier in the day we went for our Monday morning swim and after lunch spent time juicing more apples and processing a large bag of plums given to us by friends.

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