I have often.......

.......walked down this street before
but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before........

Picked up the rellies from Euston station (after a lovely breakfast at F&M - fabulous service and delicious food in spite of the idiot new start who didn't know a knife from a fork and the VERY patient host) and then we were taken to lunch at The Gilbert Scott (see below for the review if you can be arsed!). After a 'rest' at the hotel we went off to Covent Garden for a bit of the nightlife with the elderly rellies and the amusement of the night bus back.

The Gilbert Scott Review

Stunningly gorgeous building on the outside.
Stunningly gorgeous décor on the inside
Beautiful restaurant.
Good service to start.
Then there was a half an hour wait for the starter.........and an HOUR and a HALF wait for the main course. My cousin actually beckoned the maitre d over and when he said "Yes, sir. What may I do for you?" Jimmy asked if he had any food. The maitre d then tried to make an excuse about the fact that our sixth person not turning up yet as being the cause of the delay I told him that they were surely aware of this fact when we only ordered food for five people TWO HOURS previously!!?? The silly rellies then ordered dessert (fools!) and we all waited another thirty minutes for essentially ice-cream and bread and butter pudding. This time Jimmy asked the waiter if the dessert was coming and the answer was "Probably."!!!!!

Oh, and to top it all off, more cheek on the way out (that I can't even be bothered to go into)!


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