
By lucia13

Having lunch!!

Hello my lovely friends! I am here again . Thanks a lot for following me on my holidays and for your nice comments like always. I couldn't blip properly because I did not have internet access everyday.
I was in the wedding in Santiago and later I went to la Coruna to my home. The wedding was spectacular. The bride and the groom were beautiful. The day was with lovely sunshine and the party, reception and food the best. It lasted from 12 in the afternoon until 5 in the morning of the next day. What a pity I can't show you more pictures. It was in the open air and a marquee. There were a lot of surprises. The pictures I blipped were not the best but I showed you my place. I was very busy. Hope you forgive me.
I saw this spider in my garden having lunch and a few flies around her. It was amazing so I took this action shot.

I am very busy now again because we are moving on Wednesday and we have many things to do before that , like having new flooring fitted, painting , selecting a new kitchen and bathroom, packing etc.

I hope I find some time to blip everyday and see some of your blips . At least I have internet here .
Have a nice day everybody and hope you are smiling everyday.

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