
By RunAndrewRun

Every being a lineal successor of some other form

Running rest-day ...

... and I'm continuing my backwards countdown to National Poetry Day, which is on Thursday 3rd October this year ;-)

The 2009 theme was "Heroes and Heroines" ... that was the first year I blogged about National Poetry Day, so this will be the last backwards countdown blip!

Now, I'm really not one for heroes ... everyone who makes it through the day is a bit of a hero as far as I'm concerned ... but I am a Charles Darwin fan.

And so here is an extract of a poem (blipped before) by Darwin's own great-great-granddaughter, Ruth Padel:

More Funny Ideas About Grandeur

'There is grandeur, if you look
at every organic being
as the lineal successor of some other form,
now buried under thousands of feet of rock.
Or else as a co-descendant, with that buried form,
from some other inhabitant of this world
more ancient still, now lost.

Out of famine, death and struggle for existence,
comes the most exalted end
we're capable of conceiving: creation
of the higher animals!
Our first impulse is to disbelieve -
how could any secondary law
produce organic beings, infinitely numerous,

characterized by most exquisite
workmanship and adaptation?
Easier to say, a Creator designed each.
But there is a simple grandeur in this view -
that life, with its power to grow, to reach, feel,
reproduce, diverge, was breathed
into matter in a few forms first

and maybe only one. To say that while this planet
has gone cycling on
according to fixed laws of gravity,
from so simple an origin, through selection
of infinitesimal varieties, endless forms
most beautiful and wonderful
have been, and are being, evolved.'

(February 2009)

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