Busy day busy people
A full days work and more today. Makes up for my slacking of late. In early and out late with multiple things on the go. Came home and revised for my phone interview tomorrow morning. It's the first one i have ever had and I've been googling lots about what they might ask and what I should ask. Written down on bits of paper, hopefully they won't hear me shuffling the pieces around too much. I'm just hoping my mobile phone signal will hold out as it's been notorious for cutting out after 15 min or so. It's only meant to be 20 min long (a pre interview interview) and I don't want to seem unprofessional by having it cut out in the middle and having to call back. Ate dinner with mum and walked babe. Those two have hit it off (pictured). She (babe) is a sucker for anyone who walks/feeds her!
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