
By WhiskyFoxtrot

And breathe...

Thank you everyone for your kind wishes yesterday - they are very much appreciated.

Tuesday was a bruiser and Wednesday was a breather. I was tensed a lot of the day for more negative reaction but it didn't come. I know it will shortly and I feel a bit better prepared - oh heck, I hope that's true! I also told my boss how I was feeling and got his support. It makes such a difference when you feel you aren't alone. Man, I never face these issues in massage! It was great to come home along the sea, watching the crashing waves. The wind wasn't too fierce, nor was it too cold. The vista reminded me of the Jon Kabat-Zinn quote:

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."

Had a lovely evening in with Dr T, talking about our days and just generally being at home.

Thank you, lovely blippers. You're wonderful. xx

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