
By Fido

3 men in a boat

Been listening to radio 4 adaptation of one of my favourite books tonight. Just as funny third time around.

My lovely husband headed off to Thursday night football and the boys had all gone to bed and I found myself wandering around at a bit of a loss. This really is so unlike me that it took me by surprise.

I've been really shattered this past week or so and hungry, oh so hungry. I think the littlest must have increased his calorie intake because it feels like the early days of feeding all over again.

So, with the needs of the near on ready to wean baby in mind I ate a packed of crisps and two handfuls of brazil nuts, drank a large glass of juice and made some rocky road tray bake.

Having now had a bath and a laze around listening to the audiobook I am now off to have some hot chocolate and a couple of slices of toast.

It'll be puréed carrot and sweet potato for him and cutting back for me soon enough.

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