
By Fido

Smart Art

Lovely Saturday day.

Yesterday the eldest son woke up and asked what we would be doing in the day. When I replied 'going to school' he burst into tears (just still a tad ill and exhausted with it) as he was convinced it was the weekend.

We made up for it today.

After a long leisurely breakfast and laze around, the middle son and my lovely husband headed up to the park for rugby training leaving me with the oldest and the youngest, who were building lego and sleeping respectively.

When the others got home we took the train into Aberdeen, had some lunch at pizza express (with thanks to granny and tesco and the vouchers) and then played in the PLAYpark at Rubislaw Gardens.

Our talented pals had made the monster heads for the HoopRaarh game, which is how we had heard about the event, but we also had a good laugh playing the life size hook the duck (one child wearing a duck costume is chased by another with a giant hook) and at the hallucinatory zoo mini golf.

On the way back to the train station we tried to find the giant inflatable art installations which were supposedly hiding in the city centre as part of the Interzone project. We only managed to find the Red Balloon, but it was amazing.

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