Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Rest in peace my dear Bonnie

Had a lovely walk with Bonnie this morning, little did I know that it was to be our last. We were by the river just outside Carlisle where she enjoyed a paddle. I had wellies on so got in the river too and took some photos of her with my phone. On the way back to the car she collapsed and I had to carry her most of the way to the car, although she did manage to walk the last bit. I took her to a local vet who I know quite well who examined her and said she had this and this wrong and wasn’t going to get better. So I cuddled her....... The garden is littered with her toys and she has various beds scattered around the house, So many “can’t believes” going through my head, I can’t believe she’s not here anymore. Can’t believe that I won’t hear the little woofs she used to do when she didn’t know where I was, can’t believe that there will be no more playtime in the garden, can’t believe that she won’t be with me to watch the sun go down, can’t believe there’ll be no more walks on the marsh and many many more can’t believes!

Since Tessa my springer passed away 18 months ago we were so close and I took her to most places with me and loved looking after her. Can’t believe she’s gone... For those of you who haven’t seen it here’s a montage I did for her 15th birthday in April.

Rest in peace my beloved Bonnie, I’ll never forget you. I’m taking a blip break for a week or so to get my head around this.

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