
By Houseonahill6

Lets go fishing for a dream.

I had an early start at the Puffin pool and spotted some herons on the way ,one sitting on a rock with a lovely reflection in the firth that was like a mirror and the other one flying down by the trees. Could nt stop to take a pick so I was really pleased when I went for a walk along the path at Ferry Point, after Mike had dropped me off later, and the first thing I saw was this lovely Heron. I watched for a good fifteen minutes while it walked along the mud and occasionally dipping its head in the water to catch a fish.

I continued to walk across the bridge, something I'm not keen on as it was rather wobbly and looked a bit rotten but I guess there would have been a sign saying Danger if it was unsafe.
The leaves are really starting to change colour, the bushes and trees were full of berries with dozens of starlings, blackbirds and tits having a feast. A curlew was walking along the grass edge leaving footprints in the mud and plenty of redshanks were running to and fro chasing each other.

As I walked back I noticed a military warning sign saying that if red flags were flying to avoid the area. OH no, I had nt seen any flags but had heard some shots. Was I in Danger ? A little voice inside told me not to be stupid I had nt seen any red flags so therefore No Danger ! Phew, so I continued on my slow leisurely walk taking plenty of photos.

The geese have certainly arrived, hundreds flew in making quite a racket.It's been a lovely warm day again.

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