Somewhere, over the rainbow...
Busy day. Started off with a lie in, which can't be bad, but then just running from one thing to the next all day.
Conor had his follow up hearing test at the Sick Kids, so he still has 'glue-ish' ears, but slightly less so. He was a real star and very patient with the trainee audiologist (is that their name?) so was given a pack of GoGos for his forbearance. (By me, though I think the NHS should consider it as a bribery technique.) The GoGos also guaranteed a relatively pain free trip to Costco and Sainsburys.)
The light was totally weird on the way home. Here's an example, this is over the bird sanctuary at Aberlady Bay.
Here's something fun. My dad found these youtube videos of new subtitles to "Downfall" (movie about Hitler). That link is about bikes. This one about Vista is worth it just for the Stalin reference.
Dad's are way cooler than they used to be.
Anyway, I need a rainbow reference to tie this all together. I think we'll have found our pot of gold when I stop listing people who've bought our app by name, and start listing them by numbers and countries! (But to the mystery shopper in Luxembourg - Ta.)
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