Dog Man Elephant
Kids were back at school and nursery today. They've been anxiously, eagerly waiting for this day for weeks. I'm trying not to be too offended that they prefer school to my company. I know when they're teenagers I'll be quite delighted if they still love school!
Conor's routine has changed this year - he now goes to nursery in the morning instead of the afternoon. So I worked all morning and had a fun time in the afternoon with him baking. I told him we could bake anything he liked: he chose gingerbread men. He was a bit disappointed to discover that we still don't have a gingerbread man cutter (and still wasn't fobbed off with the teddy bear cutter) so I had to make a slightly rubbish man for him. Here he is (undecorated and, as yet, unnamed) with his dog and a very small elephant. He would have had a cat but Katherine ate it when she got home.
Obviously I should have posted a pic of the kids on their way to school. Not possible though for two key reasons:
a) Wouldn't get by my lovely in house blip moderator;
b) I forgot.
Tomorrow I'll be more organised. Today I woke in a panic at 7am remembering that the kids' school jumpers were in the washing machine. After 90 minutes of being ironed dry, they were mostly fine.... (Katherine used to have two precisely to give low stress mornings, but one was stolen by another kid in her class. Everyone knows who, but the school chose to blame me for not labelling Katherine's clothes, rather than the boy who stole it. Not that I'm bitter or anything.)
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