Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

San Juan Islands


A bus north to Anacortes and I'm aboard a ferry chugging through the cold blue waters of the Juan de Fuca straights, hugging inlets and harbors off the San Juan Islands. Freedom, big blue sky and water punctuated by hilly islands of fir trees and small farms. It is cool and breezy, refreshing. Up here the season is already beginning to begin the transition over to autumn. Golden fields of hay and chirping crickets that remind me of autumn. Sunny warm days and cool nights marking the first signs of transition. I'll be missing the autumn, my favorite season, so I'm excited to be here and enjoy the change over from late summer.

Meeting Christina, who runs Heritage Farms with her husband Jim, both wonderful farm folk! Jumping in her old pickup and onward I go. When we arrived I was greeted with all manner of beautiful sights; rows of vegetables patch worked with hay fields, big red barns with swooping barn swallows, draft horses and jersey milk cows, grizzled old farm cats and happy labrador retrievers, pecking chickens and nervous turkeys, big red barns and forlorn tractors. I've arrived on the farm and its a spectacular place! So much to say, where to begin...I think I will like it here....

Much to come for the next blip and many more the next two or three weeks I will be staying here apprenticing. For now a shot from the ferry of Mount Baker snow capped on the horizon cruising through the channels amongst the islands.

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