Spotted these wheelchairs at hospital today, found it slightly amusing them being lined up like shopping trolleys!

Any distraction was good, when we arrived we were immediately told the MRI clinic was running an hour behind, went and had a coffee and waited another hour.

Got called in for a pre-scan chat...more taken to scanner by nurse who only then informed me I needed a dye injection. Then the fun started!

She couldn't find a decent vein. Several attempts later and a very ouchy right arm now patched with purple swabs and plasters and she decides she'd better fetch a doctor. He decided on the left arm and managed on the second attempt. Clever stuff this dye though, only takes 4 and a half minutes to work it's way around your bloodstream and leaves again 24 hours later (but will be clear apparently!)

He stayed and fashioned the earplugs into a comfy shape as he was unhappy about me going in without them but added some padding too.

My head was pounding like crazy when I came out so I dread to think how bad it would have been without them! Rather dizzy too but it passed within the hour and I could go back to my parents where Stella was patiently waiting by the window for us :)

Now home but very tired so I think an early night will be in order; and then the waiting for results can begin! Thanks again for all good wishes, you're a fab bunch :) x

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