
By BoydMcAdam


I know this is a bit blurred and not the best photo but it captures for me the style if the dance better than any other I was able to take. A busy day finishing off some even though meant to be on leave, sorting out some personal matters and driving through (an hour behind schedule) to Glasgow airport for our 4 pm flight to Crete. Fortunately the traffic flowed, booking in was easy, the flight left sharp and with a tailwind we arrived early. From clearing security it took us half an hour to get to our hotel room in Heraklion, arriving at 11 pm local time. One of the fastest exits ever. The place was buzzing. It is International Tourism Day and the square outside the hotel was full of artisan stalls, a stage with musicians playing traditional music, and lots of noise and activity. We found a souvlaki restaurant on the edge of the square and settled down to a meal in pleasant temperatures. The locals then got up to dance. In dim light and with their movement this was the best I could do. But all good fun and we feel the holiday has already really started. For Twitter followers I'm afraid that the next fortnight or so will not be extolling activities promoting the benefits of GIRFEC and the named person- which are many. I'll leave that to colleagues and my return. Instead I hope to be showing off some Cretan sights.

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