
Check out those feet in large!

I've had this peanut feeder (there really are peanuts in it, they're just further down) all summer. I fill it and by morning it's empty! Occasionally I see a bird or two on it and I've seen squirrels running from the area, but this is the first squirrel to brave out my presence. It took her quite a while before she'd come off her safety branch high above me. Her first attempt to come down to the feeder ended up in a panic and she fled the immediate area... watching me from afar, she worked up the courage for another try. Up the tree in a scurry and tiptoeing out onto the branch with the feeder, she froze and watched me again. Eventually she made her way down to the feeder and failed at her attempt to get a peanut. This went on for a while, but once she was successful and came away with a peanut, she made quick work of the shell, popped the peanut in her mouth and went back for more, over and over again. She relaxed and went about her work not seeming to mind me and my clicking camera.

Well, now I know why that darn feeder doesn't say full for long! But, today I was happy for a model that worked for peanuts. ;)

After getting this shot, I sat in the shade to cool off and noticed that the warblers are back! They migrated through here late spring this year and they must be making their way south again. I got a nice shot of a female yellow-rumped warbler. Bonus. :)

Finally broke down and saw the Doc today... got meds for my sinus infection/upper respiratory flu that is turning into bronchitis... :( No wonder it isn't going away on it's own.

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