Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Ducks Away

The sun shone from dawn to dusk, the crowds turned up in big numbers, the BBQ was sold out and the ducks did their thing in the river.

In fact, 331 sponsored ducks were ceremoniously piped down to the river where they swam gently under a blue sky. Not all made it to the finishing line, some got snagged under tree roots and many got caught in a swirling eddy and spent their bath time going round in circles.

The ten winners completed the course in a far from record breaking time. My own duck, Sofa, had taken a back seat somewhere and didn't complete the course. However, one of our sponsors ,Views Of My World, duck did finish in the top ten and won a lovely bottle of local whisky. Well done Rosamund!

The good weather meant we managed to get the marquee down at the end of proceedings and stored away for the winter. In fact our neighbour's garden was back to its pristine condition by late afternoon.

At six o'clock the Kintyre Schools Pipe Band performed in the village and brought a most enjoyable, if rather tiring, day to an end. This always feels like the last day of our summer and the great weather only served to accentuate the point.

PS - Blip shows some of those attending watching from the river bank, many taking photos of a mad blipper in waders blipping yellow plastic ducks!

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