Hello, Comma

I've been complaining that I haven't had any butterflies (or ladybirds) in my garden, in spite of the wonderful weather.

Well, when I got home and went out with my camera, I found a comma, on one of the branches of the apple tree. It was high up and I had my macro lens on. I didn't dare go in and change for the telephoto.

I rather liked this shot - partly for the beautiful blue sky - and mainly for the sign of the comma from which the butterfly gets its name.

It's been quite a weekend.
David Beckham and his kids (see yesterday's blip)
The most marvellous Bottom in the world (a different David, Walliams not Beckham)
And now a butterfly to welcome me home.

All we need now is a ladybird, but that would be being greedy

Hope you've all had a great weekend, too, Blippers

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