Too Handsome For His Own Good

Will and I cycled to the beach park this morning, I guess it is an additional safety feature that he kept his helmet on throughout. He played in the sand, I took photos and read my book.

Feeling suitable fortified, Daisy and I set forth into town. First shop, first outfit, BOOM! We were on fire. No fuss, no arguments, one new jeans and top.

They came later when we realised she would need something to go over her very nice but sleeveless shirt. We cannot agree so will save that for another day. We also had varied discussion on what type of hat is suitable for a wedding. Huge, fluffy beanie was Daisy's proposal.

Cooked soup for tea, unfortunately was a little heavy handed with the peas giving a bright green soup (instead of orange with small green flecks) which was met with shrieks of horror and outrage and complete refusal to eat it all round. I gave them an egg and oranges instead.

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