
This weekend the weather has been fantastic and everyone has been wearing shorts during the day. This morning I went out into the garden and started to cut down a big bush (sorry I see it as a weed!). I loved it but I needed the saw to get to bits of it......Big Johnny nearly had a fit and wouldn't let me!! I let him carry on and cut it down! I then headed out the front to do the same to the one out there......Big Johnny wasn't best pleased with me!!!

I took Katie to swimming as Johnny was unable to go because of his injury yesterday but he has been fine today and only complained of it being sore when I asked him to do something he didn't want flies on him eh? He has been out kicking the a ball most of the day.

This afternoon Megan was at the park with Anna so me and the 3 wee ones headed to the Orry for a walk while Daddy was cutting the grass. It was good to get out for a bit.

I took this shot at the top of the Orry. There were lots to choose from but I liked this one best as there is just a wee bit of sun sneaking through the canopy of trees.

Enjoy your Sunday.


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