mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Back into the old routine...

...holidays go so fast don't they?
I slept pretty well in my own bed again though! When we got up eventually and got the dogs from the kennels I put loads of washing on and cut the grass, then felt the damsons and they were ready for jam making! I've not managed this for a couple of years with timings or failure of fruit so I got on to it straight away. I made a stupid mistake though - I misread my scales and weighed 4kg of fruit - I thought it was pounds so I have to make some more tomorrow when I can buy more sugar! At least I realised before I started cooking it - I doubt it would've set!! I couldn't fathom why there seemed so much more fruit! It took 2 hours to chop and de-stone them! I need to buy labels too :-)
A productive day that kept my mind off the fact I'm not in Sicily anymore...

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