
By Leslabelle

Cosy calves

What a busy sunday.

I was Billy-nae-mates today so I decided to have a day to myself (or rather I had no choice :-)

Went around loads of 'Open Doors Edinburgh' attractions:-

Newhaven station - being restored and done up into office space.

Leith Theatre - huge amazing old theatre along the road from me which has fallen into disrepair through lack of use. Put my name down as a voluteer offering to help in any way I can as they are in the process of starting to restore it all again.

Then a wander round Queen Street East gardens - beautiful!

Then another wander, this time around the Dean Gardens - rather steep and tiring but also very beautiful never-the-less.

Then I hotfooted it across town to the Lauriston Place Fire Station in the hope of spying some dishy fire fighters to check out the architecture of the building and see some historical fire engines, which was a bit of a mistake as it was full of screaming kids wanting to sit in the fire engine cab etc so I nipped round to the Edinburgh School of art for a wee scout about.

By this point it was approaching 4pm when all the places were shutting so I headed home via Tesco for a supermarket shop and picked up Bailey and we went along to old favourite Gypsy Brae for a walk.

I must have taken hundreds of photos today and it has been very tricky deciding which one to use as my blip but decided on Rabbie Burns' statue which was yarn bombed a few days ago and which i've been meaning to catch ever since.

Since we got back i've hardly budged off the sofa watching last night's missed Strictly and X Factor and catching up with my blippage.

Must try to get an earlyish night.

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