Sunday: The Suburban Elk

We left Banff this morning for the six hour drive, through the Okanagan Valley, to Kelowna. The weather was variable but we have been incredibly lucky in that the only time it has ever rained has been while we have been in the car.

Ideally, nothing exciting would have happened in Banff this morning which means I could have shown you lovely Kelowna, but, as luck would have it, the elk reappeared outside our hotel this morning........added to which, my shots of Kelowna are a little overcast.....

Before we left Banff, we returned to the hot springs for a quick dip.  Sitting in the hot pool, overlooking the mountains, was really something else!

We had an excellent dinner tonight at The Train Station Pub.  And now for an early night, for tomorrow we crack on.....

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