
By Indy653

In the land of the Blue Mogganers

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Peterhead Breakwater

Peterhead is known as The Blue Toon and the inhabitants, Blue Mogganers, the Doric for the coarse blue stockings worn under, but showing at the top of, sailors' boots.
My husband's grandad had a steam drifter, Protect Me, PD517 which sailed out of Peterhead. His mum remembered coming home from school and having to mend the fishing nets with her mother. They were a Baptist family and idleness and waste were not encouraged. To the end Steve's parents had a healthy diet; lots of oily fish, porridge every morning made from soaked oatmeal and a daily pot of homemade soup from marrow bones.

We had to go to Peterhead (19 miles) today as I'd handed boots in to be heeled. This is the nearest place to us for shoe repairs. It was bright and clear and this is the breakwater where my husband and his friends used to run across to dodge the waves. He says his mum would have killed him if she'd found out!
Chris Rea likes fishing too:

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