
By Indy653

Where's my Mum?

Sent from my iPad

“Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring.”
― Justina Chen, North of Beautiful

Spotted this cute calf on my way home from school. It wasn't really lost - mum was nearby keeping a careful eye on her offspring. I can still remember the couple of minutes of pure panic when I got separated from my mother in Marks and Spencer as a little girl! I think I was probably a bit over sensitive; my husband 'mislaid' our elder son at a fairground in Madrid when Jody was about 3 years. It was mobbed with highly excited Spaniards but we found him quite calmly watching donkeys - presumably unaware he was lost!

In keeping with the quote, Steve and I have always resisted getting a Sat-Nav for the simple reason that we quite enjoy the serendipity of getting lost and finding ourselves somewhere new and unexpected. Except, that is, if we've a boat to catch!

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