One click at a time

By KeithKnight

September Challenge - Herbs / Your Blipper

Day 30 of DDW's September daily challenge - Herbs and a dip into HeartFreek's challenge - Your Blipper

The last time that I blipped garlic under the theme of herbs I started a discussion on whether garlic was a herb or not. That seems to depend on whether you look at it from a botanical or a culainary perspective.

Having said that, it is the one fresh herb that you will always find in my house.

Taking a photo is one of the Woodman clan, using my main blipper - assuming that a camera is my blipper as it takes blips.

Thanks to DDW and Heartfreek for two more great months of challenges.

I've been busy catching up with posting blips - they are



Star/Black and White

Edge/Your Number Blip

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