
Had a great day - we headed to Aquopolis, a water park ten minutes down the road from the hotel at La Pineda. I don't normally do water parks but it sounded good for Lottie and there was a dolphin show too.

It was fabulous - as it was just out of season it was quiet which suited us. Lottie loved the splash pool and slides and was up and down them constantly. Then we discovered the magic oval - a big covered windy slide which we could go down in a big ring with a bottom in it. Between us we went on that ten times - hard work lugging the ring up the slope and steps with the wind catching it! My kind of slide though - no need to get too wet and start coughing and spluttering! We didn't leave until it shut and then had a wander along La Pineda for an icecream and a look at the beach.

There was a bit of a sandstorm but it didn't stop these locals enjoying their evening game of Petanque.

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