lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Urban beach art

Today on my way home I walked along the South Bank of the Thames. I noticed a man creating a sand sculpture on the small sandy area of beach near the Oxo tower. He had put a small sign in the sand that said "Spontaneous art" and another saying "thank you" and put down a cloth with a pot on it and people were trying to throw coins from the embankment above and get them into the bucket. I like how he has come fully prepared with a range of tools. Somebody asked him what it was supposed to be and he said he didn't know.

I went down onto the beach which is not something people do much because it is mostly bricks and rubbish down there and the river is unsuitable for swimming for so many reasons. It was nice though, walking along a secluded beach with the sights of London all around me as the sun was setting.

I'm feeling less anxious than last week when I posted. Things at work aren't great, I don't really feel that I fit in and I really don't feel that I can be myself. My boss seems to be actively seeking opportunities to scrutinise everything I do and say and find fault in it. Sometimes he's been contradicting himself and I feel calm enough now to point that out and make an attempt to stand up for myself.

Why are people so unkind to each other? A little bit of compassion goes a long way but too many people see it as weakness.

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