
15.0C and mostly cloudy with very few bright spells. Windy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for a walk after lunch. On the way up the country road that takes us to the bridle path we saw a tractor all kitted up for seed sowing. It was stationary in the corner of a field of stubble next to the former potato field where it had been sowing earlier. The seed hopper at the rear was open. Whether it was awaiting a refill of seed, or whether there was a problem I don't know.

Down on the beach the tide was in and the waves were roaring in over the rocks. Just as well all the little boats are out of the water. Maeve and I went up from the beach to the seat in the dunes near the Fishermen's huts. I had a seat and Maeve stood beside me. We watched and listened to the waves for a while.

As we were returning home we saw the tractor back in the field sowing again. Repair made, hopper filled, or break over.

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