The story so far...


Family outing

We finally left the house today. Our plans over the past few days have always been halted for some reason or another but today we did it. We went to cam's beloved woodlands playgroup. Daddy was our chauffeur but also stayed to play as he is 'working from home' this week. Ollie just chilled out in his car seat and cam showed daddy around the place, checking out the rabbits and spending lots of time trying to blow bubbles. On the way home mummy and Ollie popped in to the bumps and babies cafe that mummy and cam used to go to. Ollie was spoilt with cuddles whilst mummy caught up with friends.
Ollie's spoiling didn't end their. Cj's mummy came over for a visit this afternoon and bought lots of lovely presents for mummy and Ollie.
It feels like we are getting back in to the swing of things now but mummy is getting frustrated she can't drive for another 5 weeks and doesn't like relying on other all the time, damn it!

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