The story so far...


The near miss

Today was turning out to be such a good day. Mummy had her stitches out, we had a lovely visit from jasper and his mummy and cam was being relatively well behaved. Then it happened...
Mummy was holding Ollie on the sofa whilst cam was messing around next to her. Cam lunged for mummy's glasses making her lurch backwards and Ollie slipped out of mummy's grasp and was on his way over the side of the sofa and ready to hit the ground. Mummy has no idea how she did it but she managed to catch him before he got hurt!
The shock was overwhelming and mummy was racked with guilt for dropping him but Ollie didn't notice a things and to be honest didn't even wake up. Daddy says mummy is a hero but mummy is not convinced.
I am sure in years to come we will look back and laugh (just like nanny does about the fact she dropped mummy when she was 2 months old) but for now mummy will be holding on extra tight to her little boy and never wants to be that scared again!

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