Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Harvest time

Another of the good things about my new job is that because of my hours, the 2 hours I gain back each day by avoiding the commute, are in the evening. This means on evenings when The Boy isn't working I get home in time to make dinner with him rather than arriving late and tired and just wanting to collapse into the sofa.

Last night was one of those nights. With Spag Bol left infusing in the pot, we took a wander down the canal. The last two Saturdays we've harvested enough elderberries for 2 gallons of wine and that was just on the walks home from the Farmers' Market. This evening we set out in the opposite direction to see what we could forage. I didn't think we'd get enough to make another gallon so had planned some cordial, the well trimmed hedgerow required some inventive picking and I ended up on his shoulders a number of times. After an hour we returned home with enough berries for 3 gallons! Here's the start of them being separated from the stalks!

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