Power Lunch

I was speaking at a conference in Edinburgh today. It was rather exciting and nerve wracking to suddenly find myself back in a professional environment after six months off work. My slot was at 2pm, immediately after lunch, but I wanted to listen to the morning sessions too as they were concerned with regulatory reform in Scotland. So this morning I dropped Orla off at school then got the train to Edinburgh. Ed got the train later in the morning and brought Conor over for lunch. I ducked out of the conference at lunchtime and met up with them to give Conor a feed, then went back to do my talk. It went down very well and I really enjoyed it. I left after my session and met Ed and Conor at Waverley. Maybe I could go back to work now if someone could bring Conor to me every lunchtime! Orla was happy when we got home, especially when she got my freebie from the conference (a packet of jelly beans).

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