dr in training!

By Anaspanabanana

Strike a pose!

Bit of an odd day! School was shut to students, due to teachers' strike, but as a non-union member I went in!!! H's class was off, but the girls were in as normal - poor imi wasn't too happy with this and had meltdown when it came to drop her off. So, H came to work with me and spent the morning on the computer, whilst I did the same. Have to admit, I'm really glad my work days aren't normally spent endlessly at the computer screen...by lunchtime I was freezing and had a bad headache! So we popped into town to get some lunch and I tried to see if any of H's friends were around, so he could avoid an afternoon of more of the same. As it was, we ended up rescuing his friend Sam and bringing him back to my school with us. They created an interesting movie using the flip cameras and then settled down to watch space jam whilst I ploughed through more data and planning! Looking forward to a more normal day tomorrow!!

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